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The Game Of Yes-But

Yes But is a game often played on Usenet. Here's how it goes.

In the game of Yes-But, someone asks ask for suggestions from a group, but as each suggestion is made, he responds with a reason why it won't work. Advanced players start the discussion by excluding the more popular answers so as to reach the payoff sooner.

"Yes-But" can proceed indefinitely, with any number of players in the answerer role until everyone becomes exhausted and can think of no other solutions.

In some cases, the payoff comes when the questioner brings out his own pet idea and proclaims it as only workable solution -- often accompanied by reasons why anyone who points out a flaw in his solution is wrong.

A variation of this is justify a claim that no solution exists; once he has justified his problem as being insoluble he can avoid the hard work of implementing a solution.

In other cases, the payoff comes from the questioner building up his self-importance by supposedly showing the inadequacy of the group. He has just "proved" that all who try to help are no smarter, no more capable, no way superior to the needy one.

In any case, the questioner has already decided what the answer is before asking the question.

Thanks for the rules: Guy Macon

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