From: "Luu Tran" <> Subject: Re: Is NewsXpress officially dead yet? Date: 1998/08/19 Message-ID: <> References: <6r768s$> Organization: Daedalus, Inc. Newsgroups: "Dima Klenchin" wrote in <6r768s$>: > After all these years, still not a single word on development. > Got to the point where there are no messages concerning > NX in the group... What a f*#&*@$ shame! > > - Dima Ken Ng has moved on to bigger and better things. I don't know if he can even be reached at the same e-mail address. This may or may not be the answer to your wishes, but you can check out a newsreader I've written to replace NX (also my favorite) for my own use. It has similar looks and feels to NX and has score file and binaries decoding. Basically I implemented features I like, add some I want to see in NX, and left out those I never or rarely use. You can d/l the file here (~450K) There's a screen shot here It's freeware, use at your own risk, etc etc. -- luu Please remove the underscore _ in my address when replying by email
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