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MS Windows Flaw Returns Control To User and Prevents Unauthorized Access

February 6, 2009 -- Microsoft Corp. today disclosed another security flaw of "critical" severity in most versions of its popular Windows operating system.

In its 66th security bulletin of the year, Microsoft urged users to download a software patch from the company's Web site. The latest flaw could allow the owner of a PC to control his own computer. It might also prevent access by a hacker to the user's hard drive.

"In some ways, this is the most shocking flaw we've discovered," said Microsoft founder Bill Gates. "Without this patch, a Windows user will lose that traditional feeling that someone else is in control. It's always been a comfort to our users to know that a highly-intelligent being was out there, knowing what you're thinking, feeling and doing. We want our Windows customers to know that even when you're all alone with your computer, you are never really alone."

Thanks: pcsympathy.com

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