This post is aimed at anyone still using IE/OE/Outlook/etc who doesn't want to try any alternative.
To overuse an overused analogy, think of cars, the analogy being to do with driving and using the web. Like all analogies, it has its flaws.
You're still driving that '72 Beetle you learned to drive on, and you've never been in another car. Someone else kindly suggests you go down to the local BMW dealer and pick up a brand-new BMW Z4 sports car there for free. You've heard of other cars, but never fancied trying one.
So you say "why should I change my Beetle for something else? Mine is fine - a bit noisy, sure, and the brakes don't work too well, but it gets me to the shops, and I've not had any really serious crashes so far. OK, people say it's not very secure, with simple door-locks that can easily be forced, but I've not noticed many break-ins recently. Plus, I've got used to the shape of the steering wheel, and I don't really want the hassle of parking a new car in my garage."
But, eventually, a friend nags you enough to test-drive the free BMW roadster, and you don't like it because the indicator light stalk is in a different place, and you can't figure out how to work the heater controls. Where's that big lever that opens the blower flaps in the driver's well? Never mind all this "controlled environment" stuff, you want big flaps that open noisily and blast out warm air, just like you're used to.
So, you tool off down the road anyway, game to give it a try, and you get frustrated because you can't find the switch for the headlights, and annoyed because you can't hear the sound of the engine like you're used to, and there are all these things that you don't understand, such as the clock on the dashboard or the rev counter or the digital odometer or the CD player or the GPS navigation system or the motorised drop-head cover or the airbags or the anti-lock braking or the power steering or ...
Do you take the BMW, or stick with the Volkswagen? The Beetle may be very simple to operate, but it's unreliable, seriously flawed and dangerous. And the BMW is free, as are all its extra features, should you want to try them out later.
There's room in your garage for both cars, and you notice that your friends who are now driving BMW Z4s never miss the danger, noisiness and poor performance, and work out eventually how to use the GPS. In fact, they rave about the BMW, and disparage their old Beetles, only using them when they absolutely have to.
What do you do? Reject the offer of a free BMW, or continue to use the Beetle?
Blinky Bonus Quote
"Using Outlook or Outlook Express is the software equivalent of putting on spike heels, fishnets, and a bustier, going down to the corner of Trojan Street and Virus Avenue, and shouting, 'Hello, sailor!'"
John W. Kennedy, on Usenet (Message-ID: <>)