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Blinky's Hardware

The only thing unusual about Thurston is the blowhole I built into the case side, but I figured that was worth showing (bottom of page). Ginger is very tall. The Skipper is elderly. Mary Ann is new as of this writing.


Mandriva 2006.0 Linux

Blinkybuilt Tower - began life as a 386SX-16 in 1990


SuSE 10.0 Linux / Windows 2000 Pro

New at Blinky's Dec 05 - a huge 11-bay homebuilt given to me by a friend for whom I did some computer work.

Mary Ann

Windows XP

Compaq Presario 5015US laptop, new in February 2006

The Skipper

Windows 98SE

UMAX Laptop - another hand-me-down, from a friend who upgraded to a newer laptop. Now retired but retained here for sentimental reasons. Think of it as a third-level backup. :)


Photos of Thurston
thurston.blinkynet.net: not overclocked, but some high ambient temps from Southern California environment; HSF is a Coolermaster all-copper HCC-002 sink with a loud fan that can't be heard over the roar of the blowhole fan on the side of the case.

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