HTML 2.0, the IETF Proposed Standard, in November'95.
This version consisted of 49 tags, with which you could
Another way of sending e-mail.
HTML 2.0 was perfectly functional as a medium for publishing textual content, and even for getting limited input back. When most people had 2400 - 9600 baud modems, unnecessary graphical content was viewed as wasted bandwidth, yet web page designers and Netscape wanted to be able to do more to spice-up the look and feel of the presentation.
(Though Bill Gates had earlier derided the Internet as "just a fad," he was now beginning to see the light, and was thinking that maybe Microsoft should acquire a browser of its own.)
HTML 3.0 came out, but was very unpopular, therefore short-lived. Almost as soon as it came out, it was replaced with HTML 3.2, considered to be the true successor to HTML 2.0.